Wednesday, February 12

Day: August 10, 2014

Health insurance for all by 2032?
ENGLISH, Featured

Health insurance for all by 2032?

Health insurance for all by 2032? Govt embarks on ambitious 20-year scheme; financial details not clear yet Porimol Palma: In a major move to reform the country's health sector, the government has taken up an ambitious plan to bring all citizens under national health insurance coverage by 2032. The plan envisages quality healthcare for all without financial hardship to any, say officials of the Health Economics Unit (HEU) of the health and family welfare ministry. “The first target will be people below the poverty line, some 48 million now. The government will pay their premiums as subsidy,” HEU Director General Ashadul Islam has said. For this programme, the HEU has designed the Healthcare Finance Strategy 2012-2032. And the government is now drafting a law. However, the government...
Unique protest by adivasis
ENGLISH, Featured

Unique protest by adivasis

Unique protest by adivasis News Desk: Indigenous people performing at the Central Shaheed Minar yesterday in observance of International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples. Bangladesh Adivasi Forum organised the event where almost every banner and festoon had the word “adivasi” on it. "Shame on the state that turned me into a Bangalee! Shame on the state that called me tribal and what not! I say I am Munda, Santal, Lusai, Murong, Khiyang, Chakma, Mandi, Hajong, Marma, Tripura. I am Adivasi [indigenous]." The above is an extract from the Bangla song with which the celebration of International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples, organised by Bangladesh Adivasi Forum, kicked off at the Central Shaheed Minar in the capital yesterday. First declared by the United Nations General Ass...