Saturday, February 15

Day: October 31, 2014

Corporate disclosure, regulatory steps drive stocks upward

Corporate disclosure, regulatory steps drive stocks upward

Key share price index in the country’s twin bourses—Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE) and Chittagong Stock Exchange (CSE) – returned  to black yesterday, the last trading day of the week, report agencies. Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE) saw a sharp rebound yesterday upward with all market indicators substantially recovering the past two sessions’ losses. DSEX, the broader price index, regained 63.80 points to finish the week at 5173.2. The two selective indices - the blue-chip DS30 and the Shariah DSES - returned to the positive zone with 30.15 points and 17.20 points gain respectively. The DS30 ended the week at 1949.47 when the DSES closed at 1220.04. The market activities shoot up with nearly 33 per cent rise in the trade value and over 44 per cent in volume when 17.92 crore shares worth Taka 72...
The 10 highest-paid jobs you can do from home

The 10 highest-paid jobs you can do from home

The 10 highest-paid jobs you can do from home Fed up with the daily grind? These are the skills you need if you want to work from home  Yahoo Finance UK/Fotolia - (Photo Yahoo Finance/Fotolia) Financial writing and contract drafting are some of the best paid jobs you can do from home Moneywise - Thu, Jul 31, 2014 11:50 BST The number of people working from home has surged in recent years. The economic downturn, coupled with changes in work patterns, means that freelancers have become the fastest growing group in the UK labour market.There are now 4.2m home workers - a rise of 30pc from 1998, according to the Office for National Statistics.Elance-oDesk, a jobs website which businesses use to hire freelancers across the world, says that 2.7m jobs are posted each ...