Wednesday, February 12

Day: June 25, 2015

Anger as 26 Romanian migrants found crammed into house after noise and rubbish complaints in London

Anger as 26 Romanian migrants found crammed into house after noise and rubbish complaints in London

    Anger as 26 Romanian migrants found crammed into house after noise and rubbish complaints FOUR families of Romanians have been found crammed into a three-bedroom house in London. Four families were discovered in the three-bedroom flat by the council. Council staff discovered the 26 Romanians, including a toddler, in the home near the Olympic Stadium following a raid by staff. The enforcement visited the east London property on Friday after neighbours complained of loud music, pests and garden rubbish. Officers discovered seven people sleeping in a windowless basement which had blocked up air vents, with the other 19 sleeping in three "very overcrowded" bedrooms. Those living in the basement were being charged just £20 a month while the families staying in the bedroom...
Time will tell whether the ousting of Mayor Lutfur Rahman has restored or denied democracy to Tower Hamlets

Time will tell whether the ousting of Mayor Lutfur Rahman has restored or denied democracy to Tower Hamlets

The ousting by the Government’s Department for Communities and Local Government and an independent commission of lawyers of Lutfur Rahman, who was twice Elected as Mayor of Tower Hamlets suggests that we expect different levels of behaviour from Bangadeshi politicians and those of the general white British political culture, argues Paul Thomson. Now the general election is over, it’s worthwhile trying to understand the nature of political consent in Britain by looking into recent events in Tower Hamlets. In late 2014, Eric Pickles, then communities secretary, took over administration of the borough through commissioners, pending a judicial report on electoral corruption. The majority party in the most recent mayoral election was declared dissolved and banned from standing in future electi...