Sunday, May 19

Day: December 2, 2015

ENGLISH, Life Style

7 money secrets the rich don’t want you to know

    Ask most personal finance experts and they'll tell you the secret to becoming rich is no secret at all: Work hard, live below your means and save every dime. The nation's One Percenters, however, might disagree. There's no shame in a modest lifestyle - even Warren Buffett lives frugally - but if your goal is to get rich, it's helpful to know these seven secrets the ultra-wealthy aren't likely to share. 1. Salary isn't the whole story Climbing the corporate ladder will only get you so far; at some point, you reach your earning potential and plateau. The rich know that in order to grow wealth, it's important to make your money work hard for you -- not the other way around. In fact, Robert Kiyosaki, author of the No. 1 best-selling personal finance book "Rich Dad, Poor Dad," ...
Arab world, ENGLISH

Iraqis think the U.S. is in cahoots with the Islamic State, and it is hurting the war

    Iraqi forces supported by US-led coalition airstrikes advance their position during clashes with Islamic State group in the western suburbs of Ramadi, 70 miles west of Baghdad. On the front lines of the battle against the Islamic State, suspicion of the United States runs deep. Iraqi fighters say they have all seen the videos purportedly showing U.S. helicopters airdropping weapons to the militants, and many claim they have friends and relatives who have witnessed similar instances of collusion. Ordinary people also have seen the videos, heard the stories and reached the same conclusion — one that might seem absurd to Americans but is widely believed among Iraqis — that the United States is supporting the Islamic State for a variety of pernicious reasons that have to do wi...
ENGLISH, Life Style

13 signs that you’re underpaid

    Feeling like you might be underpaid can be one of the most disheartening aspects of work. "It stands to reason, because for many, compensation is a concrete litmus test of how well you're performing and progressing on the job — and how highly you're valued," says Lynn Taylor, a national workplace expert and the author of "Tame Your Terrible Office Tyrant: How to Manage Childish Boss Behavior and Thrive in Your Job." According to a 2014 survey from, a whopping 39% of employees believed that they were not receiving fair pay in their current job. But it's hard for them to be sure. "The topic of employees' salaries is well guarded by most companies, so it's not always easy to figure out how your pay compares to your colleagues'," says Taylor. "If you're willing t...