Six Early Warning Signs Of Ovarian Cancer
Often referred to as the silent killer, ovarian cancer is universally feared as it presents very few symptoms. By the time it’s noticeable, it’s usually too late, with only 20% of cases being detected early enough to treat.
Thankfully, the disease isn’t invisible. Here are six early warning signs to watch out for.
1. A Swollen Stomach
Ovarian cancer causes internal inflammation, which can become visible. Of course, there are many reasons for a swollen stomach, such as Burger King, being a couch potato, or receiving a visit from the stork. Only be concerned if you’re ballooning for no reason.
2. Unexplained Weight Loss
Whilst many people would be glad to ditch a few pounds, without any exercise or dieting, sudden weight loss is a common symptom of cancer, and should be inve...