Saturday, February 15

Day: May 2, 2016

100 Year Old Grandmother Steals The Show As Granddaughter’s Bridesmaid
ENGLISH, Life Style

100 Year Old Grandmother Steals The Show As Granddaughter’s Bridesmaid

    We're sorry, this video cannot be played from your current location. Every little girl dreams of her perfect wedding. For Vita Cresswell, her dream wedding was one that her grandmother could attend. But when the day came, she took it one step further and gave the 100-year-old to take a starring role -- as bridesmaid. "I was quite overwhelmed about the idea of getting married. I don't like all the fuss," the 29-year-old from England told She said she couldn't figure out how brides come up with the perfect date, so when she realized her grandmother's 100th birthday was coming up, she decided that it must have been a sign. "She always wanted to see us getting married, it just made sense," Cresswell said. So Cresswell and her husband-to-be, Gary Whineray, de...
Craig Wright revealed as Bitcoin creator Satoshi Nakamoto
ENGLISH, Life Style

Craig Wright revealed as Bitcoin creator Satoshi Nakamoto

    Australian entrepreneur Craig Wright has publicly identified himself as Bitcoin creator Satoshi Nakamoto. His admission follows years of speculation about who came up with the original ideas underlying the digital cash system. Wright has provided technical proof to back up his claim using coins known to be owned by Bitcoin's creator. Prominent members of the Bitcoin community and its core development team say they have confirmed his claims. But many others in the Bitcoin world are asking for more proof. Signed blocks Wright has revealed his identity to three media organisations - the BBC, the Economist and GQ. At the meeting with the BBC, Wright digitally signed messages using cryptographic keys created during the early days of Bitcoin's development. The keys are inextrica...
Vessel owners withdraw strike
Bangladesh, ENGLISH

Vessel owners withdraw strike

    The lighterage vessel owners association has called off its strike after the shipping minister gave an assurance that the demands will be met. The announcement was made after vessel owners held a meeting with Shahjahan Khan at the Shipping Ministry this afternoon. The ship owners had called the strike to protest a government order setting the minimum wage for vessel workers at 10,000 Taka. Importers of foreign goods were facing heavy losses because goods could not be off-loaded from ships in the outer anchorage. The port authority, businessmen, and the Cargo Vessel Owners Association had held several meetings earlier to resolve the issue.
Bangladesh can create millions of jobs for RMG workers: World Bank
Bangladesh, ENGLISH

Bangladesh can create millions of jobs for RMG workers: World Bank

    Bangladesh can create millions of jobs for garment workers through improving the productivity and social and environmental compliance, according to a new study by the World Bank (WB). Currently, country’s garment sector employs 4.4 million workers, of whom 80 percent are women. The study said China is the largest apparel supplier having 41 percent global market share, Bangladesh is the second largest apparel supplier with 6.4 percent share. Bangladesh is likely to benefit from the shifting of work orders from China, as China is losing its market share due to higher cost of production. The study titled ‘Stitches to Riches? Apparel employment, trade, and economic development in South Asia’ was conducted with the data of 2012. The WB Bangladesh office shared the findings of t...
Kim Jong un bans all weddings, funerals and freedom of movement in North Korea

Kim Jong un bans all weddings, funerals and freedom of movement in North Korea

    The picture released from North Korea's official KCNA shows leader Kim Jong-un during the inspection of an underwater test-fire of a strategic submarine ballistic missile at an undisclosed location in North Korea on… Weddings and funerals have been banned and Pyongyang is in lockdown as preparations for a once-in-a-generation party congress get underway in North Korea. The ruling Worker’s Party of Korea, headed by the country's leader, Kim Jong-un, is due to stage the first gathering of its kind for 36 years on Friday. Free movement in and out of the capital has also been forbidden and there has been an increase in inspections and property searches, according to Daily NK, which claims to have sources in the country. The temporary measures are said to be an attempt to minim...