Wednesday, February 12

Day: August 7, 2016

15 Health Risks and Symptoms of Vitamin D Deficiency
ENGLISH, Life Style

15 Health Risks and Symptoms of Vitamin D Deficiency

    01. 15 Health Risks and Symptoms of Vitamin D Deficiency Vitamin D plays an important role in your body and overall health. It helps maintain healthy bones, supports the immune system, regulates insulin levels, and supports cardiovascular health. Lack of vitamin D has a negative effect on your well-being. It has been associated with a number of health issues and diseases – high blood pressure, achy bones and excessive sweating, just to name a few. You may be at risk for vitamin D deficiency and not know it. Do you spend enough time outdoors? Do you have a darker skin tone? Are you eating foods high in vitamin D? If you are at risk, or are currently undergoing the symptoms of a vitamin D deficiency, it’s important to spend time in the sun, as vitamin D is produced by the sk...
What is bank capital and why does it matter
ENGLISH, United Kingdom

What is bank capital and why does it matter

    The collapse of Lehman Brothers and the world economy was the work of Baby Boomers who now want to further mar Millennials' future Alarming new research suggests the UK’s four biggest banks would need to raise another £155bn in fresh capital to withstand a new financial crisis, despite the view of the Bank of England Governor that lenders have an adequate cushion to cope with further turmoil. But what is "capital"? And why should we be concerned? What is a bank’s capital cushion? Capital, broadly, represents shareholders’ money on the balance sheet of a commercial bank. It’s there to absorb losses. If losses are bigger than the capital cushion the bank is bust. So why does that matter for anyone else? If a bank goes bust and it is considered to be important for the wider e...
PM Theresa May Preparing To Lift Grammar Schools Ban
ENGLISH, United Kingdom

PM Theresa May Preparing To Lift Grammar Schools Ban

    Theresa May is said to be planning to allow a new wave of grammar schools for the first time in 20 years. A government source suggested bringing back academic selection in state schools would be part of her agenda to increase social mobility. But lifting the ban on new grammar schools, imposed by Labour in 1998, would be highly controversial and put her on a collision course with the teaching establishment. Mrs May attended a grammar school and recently allowed a new "annex" for one in her Maidenhead constituency, which is permitted within the law. The green light for a new generation of grammars, which now account for just 163 of the 3,000 state secondaries in England, would cheer Tory backbenchers who failed to win David Cameron's backing. Downing Street said: "The Prime...
PM Modi urges action against Indian cow vigilantes

PM Modi urges action against Indian cow vigilantes

    Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has criticised vigilantes who portray themselves as protectors of cows - an animal considered sacred by Hindus. Modi, a Hindu nationalist, said such people made him "angry", and any such attacks must be investigated. He had been criticised for saying nothing about a public flogging last month of low-caste men by vigilantes. The self-styled cow defenders accused the four men from the Dalit caste of harming cattle. The victims insisted they were taking a cow's carcass for skinning, as was their tradition. Also in July, two Muslim women were beaten up by vigilantes over accusations that they had been carrying beef. Growing pressure Speaking in the capital Delhi on Saturday, Modi said he would ask state governments across India to investigat...
Iran Nuclear scientist executed after being convicted of treason
Arab world, ENGLISH

Iran Nuclear scientist executed after being convicted of treason

    Iranian news outlets reported that the government executed a former nuclear scientist who was arrested five years ago. The scientist was charged and convicted of spying for the US. The Iranian government admitted that Shahram Amiri, a former scientist in the country’s nuclear program, was executed after being convicted of spying for the US, according to Iranian news outlets. Amiri was arrested about five years ago after he returned to Iran from the US. According to several news reports, the Iranian Supreme Court confirmed Amiri’s sentence. The nuclear scientist’s mother said that her son’s body has rope marks around the neck, indicating that he was executed by hanging. Amiri first disappeared in 2009 immediately after he left Iran to complete the Hajj in Saudi Arabia. Acco...
Germany is writing to UK startups to try and persuade them to move to Berlin after Brexit

Germany is writing to UK startups to try and persuade them to move to Berlin after Brexit

    A German politician is writing to London startups in an attempt to persuade them to relocate to Berlin after the Brexit vote. Berlin Senator for Economics, Technology and Research Cornelia Yzer is warning British companies that remaining in Britain after the country leaves the European Union will damage their businesses, and she says that Berlin will provide resources that will help them relocate. "Britain's vote to leave the European Union will severely affect your operations in the United Kingdom," the letter reads. "Probably you will already check the feasibility to move your company right in the heart of the European Union." Yzer's pitch continues: "Berlin is not only the capital of Europe's strongest national economy but also the fastest growing state in Germany ... B...