Thursday, February 13

Day: September 22, 2016

Home Minister Amber Rudd’s Leaks reveal whether she involvement in Bahamas offshore firms
ENGLISH, United Kingdom

Home Minister Amber Rudd’s Leaks reveal whether she involvement in Bahamas offshore firms

    Amber Rudd’s business career has come under scrutiny following a Guardian investigation that reveals her involvement with two companies in an offshore tax haven, and another where her co-director was jailed for fraud. A fresh leak of tax haven data names the home secretary as having been a director of two companies in the Bahamas – a fact she did not refer to earlier this year when defending David Cameron over his father’s investment fund in the same country. The Guardian has also discovered new details about her previous career in venture capital during the boom and bust 1990s. One enterprise led her to become a co-director of Monticello, a company that was at the centre of a share ramping investigation. She was also involved in a company prospecting for diamonds in Siber...
Trump and the Jews
America, ENGLISH

Trump and the Jews

    Hatred of Jews, which has never run deep in American society, nevertheless has its adherents. The first is that Trump is no antisemite. Despite claims by people like Democratic National Committee chairwoman Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz that antisemitism in the Republic Party “goes straight to the feet of Donald Trump;” despite Trump’s controversial statements; and despite the support he receives from people like antisemite and white power supremacist David Duke, the presidential hopeful is a philosemite who has had intimate relations with Jews throughout his life. If anything, he sees Jews as a group of smart, successful and generally powerful deal-makers – traits which he himself seeks to emulate. The second conclusion is that Trump can potentially do more to distance hi...
M40 sounded like a bomb going off after lorry crashes and bursts into flames
ENGLISH, United Kingdom

M40 sounded like a bomb going off after lorry crashes and bursts into flames

    An enormous explosion on the M40 was so loud that nearby residents thought a bomb had gone off when their houses shook. Reports suggest a crane lorry was involved in the collision with locals reporting as many as five blasts. One witness tweeted: “4-5 massive explosions just gone off in Gerrards Cross - smoke coming from Howards Wood Drive. A chorus of police sirens, lots of confusion. “Now hearing it was a vehicle that exploded on the M25 - seems strange though given we heard 4-5 explosions, minutes apart." Another added: "5 massive explosions fire and black smoke very nearby. Shook house. Defo not good whatever it is. Buckinhamshire Fire and Rescue service said there were 35 firefighters and officers at the scene who used foam and hoses to tackle the blaze. Six fire engi...
This Is What The Internet Looks Like In North Korea

This Is What The Internet Looks Like In North Korea

    North Korean leader Kim Jong Un in this undated photo released by North Korea's Korean Central News Agency (KCNA). We were under no illusion that the people of North Korea spend their days scrolling through Reddit and Twitter. But now a major slip up has revealed the true extent of their internet access. On 19 September techies at GitHub noticed that North Korea’s top level nameservers had been accidentally configured to allow global DNS zone transfers, meaning the rest of us could finally see what internet in the secretive country is really like. The screenshots shown below have been retrieved using Google Translate (so they are displayed in English) through HN [Hacker News] and publicly posted to threads on Imgur and Reddit. 1. Air Koryo A flight ticket website for domes...
Scam email and phone cons hitting record levels
ENGLISH, Technology

Scam email and phone cons hitting record levels

    PHONE and email scams are hitting record levels. In the last month 2.5 million UK homes received a scam call. That’s why it’s more important than ever to know what to look out for and be armed against the fraudsters. To help Sun readers be more scam savvy we’ve teamed up with TalkTalk to show you the five most common tactics scammers will use to get you to part with your cash and personal information. Facebook hack claims Cyber criminals could use this trick to 'crack into YOUR private messages' Dot conned Shocking statistics of cyber crime reveal 6million offences as we speak to devastated victims 1. Pretend to be from a well-known brand Mentioning the name of trusted organisations such as banks or utilities companies means you’re likely to believe the call is genuine. 2....
Michelle Obama’s oh my god moment: eating french fries at Buckingham Palace
ENGLISH, United Kingdom

Michelle Obama’s oh my god moment: eating french fries at Buckingham Palace

    Looking back on her time as first lady, one memory stands out for Michelle Obama: ordering french fries at Buckingham Palace. Mrs Obama was a guest on the Late Show with Stephen Colbert on Tuesday, and was asked if there had been any oh my god' moments over the last eight years . "I mean, a sleepover at Buckingham Palace?" she responded. Mrs Obama dismissed Colbert's question as to whether she and the Queen had "painted each others' toe nails", explaining that it was a far more formal affair. "When they hosted us for the state dinner - when you're the guest country, you stay at Buckingham Palace," she said. The visit was not all pomp and circumstance, however, there were also chips on offer. "I do remember ordering french fries at the palace. They were good - they were som...