Thursday, February 13

Day: October 14, 2016

Millions of households warned to brace crashing pound will hit
ENGLISH, United Kingdom

Millions of households warned to brace crashing pound will hit

    Millions of households were last night warned to brace themselves for soaring inflation triggered by the plunging pound. Sterling suffered another slump yesterday, tumbling 2.5 cents against the dollar to a new 31-year low of $1.21. It also fell over 0.5% to around 1.103 against the euro. Around 5% has been wiped off the pound in the past four days and a massive 18% since June’s bombshell Brexit vote. The fall is already hitting the average family through higher fuel prices and dearer holidays abroad. But experts say that is nothing compared to a wave of price rises on the way. Soaring import costs are set to lead to price hikes for everything from gas and electricity to food, clothes and toys. The Government’s preferred measure of inflation - the Consumer Prices Index - c...
The world’s first death ray weapon unveils by Russia

The world’s first death ray weapon unveils by Russia

    Russia have built what military chiefs are claiming is the world's first weapon to use microwave energy 'death-rays' to target military drones. According to Russia's United Instrument Manufacturing Company (OPK), the weapon has been tested and they have confirmed that the tests were successful. And there is said to be no other weapon like it in the world. The prototype was revealed during the Arms High-tech military exhibition in Armenia. Instead of using rounds of bullets or shells to destroy enemy targets, this new weapon will use directed microwave energy. A spokesman for the company said: "[We have] already established samples of such weapons, and they have proved their effectiveness. "This is a completely new type of weapon, which has no analogues is the country, and ...
Republicans disloyal and far more difficult than Hillary: Donald J. Trump
America, ENGLISH

Republicans disloyal and far more difficult than Hillary: Donald J. Trump

    Mr. Trump’s ominous claims of a stolen election which he often links to black, urban neighborhoods are not entirely new. But in recent days, he has been pressing the theme with a fresh intensity, citing everything from the potential for Election Day fraud to news media bias favoring Mrs. Clinton to rigged debates. Donald J. Trump has lashed out at fellow Republicans, calling them disloyal and far more difficult than Hillary Clinton. He has griped openly about a “rigged” political system, saying Wednesday that he has “no respect” for the nonpartisan Commission on Presidential Debates, and previously complaining about a “defective” microphone in the first debate. And on Monday, at a rally in Wilkes-Barre, Pa., he worried that the election could be “stolen” from him and sin...
Warns: Hard Brexit is the only Brexit

Warns: Hard Brexit is the only Brexit

    The EU Council chief says soft Brexit is not an option for Britain in the coming negotiations to secure a new deal with Europe. "Hard Brexit" is the only offer on the table, European Council president  has warned, unless the UK changes its mind and decides to stay in the EU. In a strongly-worded intervention, Mr Tusk insisted the UK would not be able to retain the benefits of European Union membership whilst also blocking free movement of people and ending contributions to the Brussels budget. Mr Tusk said it was "useless to speculate about soft Brexit", which would enable the UK to retain the closest possible ties to the bloc after leaving. He also told the European Policy Centre that the Leave campaign's demand to "take back control" would ultimately be "painful for Brit...
Saddam Hussein had secret torture chamber in New York where he killed prisoners
Arab world, ENGLISH

Saddam Hussein had secret torture chamber in New York where he killed prisoners

    Saddam Hussein had a secret torture chamber in central New York city where prisoners were tortured and killed, it has been reported. From the outside, the Mission of Iraq is a grand townhouse in a wealthy party of the city near Central Park. But according to former officials, he hid a dark secret during the days of the brutal dictator. At the time, it was immune from American law as sovereign Iraqi territory. One former worker told how prisoners were taken down to the basement where there was a windowless room behind steel-reinforced doors. Inside they would be subjected to bloodthirsty abuse. Rubber hoses, planks of wood and pliers were involved, it is claimed. "The doors were reinforced in a way that nobody could break in or out. "You didn’t need to soundproof it,” one o...