Thursday, February 13

Day: January 17, 2017

The world’s most popular password is depressingly easy to guess
ENGLISH, Life Style

The world’s most popular password is depressingly easy to guess

    The world's most popular password is the depressingly easy-to-guess 123456, according to a massive analysis of 10 million leaked passwords. Throughout 2016, we saw numerous major data breaches leaking people's login details online. Some were new like the hack of adult dating site AdultFriendFinder while others, like LinkedIn, were years-old, but the data only recently surfaced online. In both cases, these breaches have provided researchers with an unparalleled look at the security habits of millions of people and it's not pretty. Security firm Keeper trawled through 10 million records that leaked in 2016, and found that a shocking 17% of people used the basic, insecure password 123456. (We heard about the analysis via The Register.) In second place was the barely better 12...
Cow only animal to inhale: exhales oxygen: Indian Minister

Cow only animal to inhale: exhales oxygen: Indian Minister

    Cow is the only animal that inhales and exhales Oxygen, said the Eduction Minister of India’s Rajasthan Vasudev Devnani, reports Indian media. The minister made the statement on Saturday while addressing an event organised by Akshay Patra foundation at the Hingonia Goshala. Underscoring the scientific significance of the cow, Vasudev Devnani said, The cow is the only animal that takes in oxygen and also releases oxygen. There is a need to understand the scientific significance of the cow and ensure that the message reaches all people, he added. The minister’s assertion about cows goes against the claims made by the UN Food and Agricultural Organisation, which in a 2006 report held livestock, including cows, responsible for large amounts of GHG emissions, from their digesti...
The terrifying truth about North Korea’s nuclear weapons

The terrifying truth about North Korea’s nuclear weapons

    North Korea just stated that it is in the final stages of developing a nuclear weapon capable of reaching parts of the U.S. It won't happen! tweeted President-elect Donald Trump on January 2. However, the terrifying truth is that North Korea, the only country to test nuclear weapons in the 21st century, has just as much say over whether or not its potential nuclear arms can or will reach the U.S. as Trump and the whole U.S. do. It can be difficult to make assessments about North Korea's nuclear capabilities given that we have very little access to North Korea's missile facilities, Kelsey Davenport, director for nonproliferation policy and a North Korea expert at the Arms Control Association, told Business Insider. "But it's clear that North Korea has made significant advan...
Europe’s fate is in our hands: Angela Merkel’s defiant reply to Trump
ENGLISH, United Kingdom

Europe’s fate is in our hands: Angela Merkel’s defiant reply to Trump

    Angela Merkel and François Hollande have responded curtly but defiantly after Donald Trump cast further doubt on his commitment to Nato and gave strong hints that he would not support EU cohesion once in office. We Europeans have our fate in our own hands, the German chancellor said after the publication of the US president-elect’s interviews with the Times and German tabloid Bild. He has presented his positions once more. They have been known for a while. My positions are also known. Shutterstock Donald Trump transition meetings, New York, USA - 13 Jan 2017 In the Times interview, Trump complained that Nato had become obsolete because it hadn’t taken care of terror  a comment later welcomed by the Kremlin. He suggested that other European countries would follow in Britain...
Theresa May unveils 12 negotiating objectives for UK in hard Brexit speech
ENGLISH, United Kingdom

Theresa May unveils 12 negotiating objectives for UK in hard Brexit speech

    Theresa May will unveil 12 negotiating objectives for the UK government at a major speech in central London on Tuesday (17 January) as the prime minister rejects a half-in, half-out Brexit. The Conservative premier will also stress that she wants the EU to succeed after the UK's split from the economic and political bloc, while calling for a new and equal partnership with just months to go before Brexit talks begin. We will continue to be reliable partners, willing allies and close friends. We want to buy your goods, sell you ours, trade with you as freely as possible, and work with one another to make sure we are all safer, more secure and more prosperous through continued friendship, May will say. Theresa May She will add: We seek a new and equal partnership between an i...