Thursday, February 13

Day: January 31, 2017

যুক্তরাষ্ট্রগামী ফ্লাইটে পাইলট-ক্রু সহ পরিবর্তন আনছে এমিরেটস
America, ENGLISH

যুক্তরাষ্ট্রগামী ফ্লাইটে পাইলট-ক্রু সহ পরিবর্তন আনছে এমিরেটস

শীর্ষবিন্দু আন্তর্জাতিক নিউজ ডেস্ক: যুক্তরাষ্ট্রের প্রেসিডেন্ট ডোনাল্ড ট্রাম্পের মুসলিম বিরোধী নির্বাহী আদেশের ফলে পাল্টে যাচ্ছে বিমান সংস্থা এমিরেটসসের পাইলট ও কেবিন ক্রু। যুক্তরাষ্ট্রগামী এ বিমান সংস্থায় এ পরিবর্তন আসছে। দুবাইভিত্তিক এই বিমান সংস্থার প্রতিদিন ১১টি ফ্লাইট যায় যুক্তরাষ্ট্রের বিভিন্ন শহরে। রোববার তাদের একজন মুখপাত্র বার্তা সংস্থা রয়টার্সকে বলেছেন, সর্বশেষ পরিস্থিতি মেনে চলতে তারা তাদের এ পরিবর্তন আনছেন। উল্লেখ্য, ইরান, ইরাক, লিবিয়া, সোমালিয়া, সুদান, সিরিয়া ও ইয়েমেনের শরণার্থী ও অভিবাসীদের যুক্তরাষ্ট্রে প্রবেশ নিষিদ্ধ করে একটি নির্বাহী আদেশে গত শুক্রবার সই করেন প্রেসিডেন্ট ট্রাম্প। তারপর থেকে বিশ্বজুড়ে তীব্র প্রতিক্রিয়া সৃষ্টি হয়েছে। বার্তা সংস্থা রয়টার্স রিপোর্ট করেছে যে, ট্রাম্পের ওই নিষেধাজ্ঞার আওতায় আসবে নিষিদ্ধ সাতটি দেশের পাইলট ও ফ্লাইট অ্যাটেনডেন্টরাও। কিন...
Trump visit puts Queen in difficult position
America, ENGLISH

Trump visit puts Queen in difficult position

    Theresa May's controversial decision to invite Donald Trump for a state visit to the UK has put the Queen in a very difficult position, a former head of the Foreign Office has claimed. In a letter to The Times, Lord Ricketts urged the Prime Minister to move fast to save the Queen from further controversy by downgrading the visit as protests against Mr Trump's divisive travel ban spread from the US to major cities across the UK. He claimed Mrs May's invitation was both premature and unprecedented, as no president has ever been given a state visit during their first year in the White House. Although Barack Obama first visited the UK two months into his presidency, it took 28 months before he made a state visit. George W Bush spent 32 months in office before being hosted by t...
Angela Merkel’s Response To Trump’s Muslim Ban Puts Theresa May To Shame

Angela Merkel’s Response To Trump’s Muslim Ban Puts Theresa May To Shame

    Angela Merkel has condemned Donald Trump’s ban on people travelling to America from seven Muslim countries, after Theresa May has doggedly tried to avoid commenting in detail on it. The German Chancellor said his executive order went against her interpretation of the basic tenants of international refugee support and cooperation. She told a press conference on Monday: The necessary and decisive fight against terrorism does not justify a general suspicion against people of a certain belief in this case people of Muslim belief or people from a certain country... That way of thinking is against my interpretation of the basic tenants of international refugee support and cooperation. By contrast, May has said simply: We do not agree with this kind of approach. She had initially...
Trump faces growing state department mutiny against immigration ban
America, ENGLISH

Trump faces growing state department mutiny against immigration ban

    Donald Trump A mutiny among US diplomats was gathering steam on Monday as hundreds of state department officials were reported to have signed a memo fiercely dissenting from Trump’s refugee ban. We are better than this ban, one leaked version of the memo said, arguing that it would backfire, making the US less safe from terrorism. The executive order, freezing entry for nationals of a list of seven majority Muslim countries, stands in opposition to the core American and constitutional values that we, as federal employees, took an oath to uphold, the memo said. The memo is being sent through the state department’s dissent channel, set up at the time of the Vietnam war to allow alternative points of view to be aired inside the institution. Under its foreign affairs manual, d...
Barack Obama breaks silence on Trump presidency to condemn migration ban
America, ENGLISH

Barack Obama breaks silence on Trump presidency to condemn migration ban

    Barack Obama has broken his silence on his successor’s presidency after only 10 days, issuing a short statement that attacks Donald Trump’s controversial travel ban. The president [Obama] fundamentally disagrees with the notion of discriminating against individuals because of their faith or religion, a spokesman for Obama said. During his final press conference as president earlier this month, Obama listed a number of issues that might prompt him to return to the political fray. President Donald Trump shakes hands with ex-President Barack Obama after he took the oath of office at the Inauguration Ceremony in Washington, D.C. Trump became the 45th President of the United States There’s a difference between [the] normal functioning of politics and certain issues or certain m...
Quebec Mosque shooting suspect was a fan of Donald Trump and Marine le Pen

Quebec Mosque shooting suspect was a fan of Donald Trump and Marine le Pen

    The French-Canadian student charged in connection with a shooting spree that killed six people at a Quebec City mosque was a supporter Donald Trump and far-right French politician Marine Le Pen. Described by one former classmate as a "nerdy outcast." Alexandre Bissonnette, is the sole suspect in the shooting. The 27-year-old was charged with six counts of first-degree murder and five counts of attempted murder with a restricted weapon. Police said he acted alone. On his Facebook page, he indicated he liked Le Pen, US President Donald Trump, the separatist Parti Quebecois as well as Canada's left-wing New Democratic Party, the Israeli Defense Forces, heavy metal band Megadeth and pop star Katy Perry. I wrote him off as a xenophobe. I didn't even think of him as totally raci...