Monday, September 9

Council’s CCTV puts violent criminal behind bars

Tower Hamlets Council’s CCTV caught a criminal stabbing an on-duty plain clothes police officer and helped put him behind bars.

Andrew Beadie, 20, of Claremont Road, Basildon embarked upon a series of violent assaults on 22 November 2016 that were captured by eagle eyed council officers.

Beadie stabbed a police officer with a ten inch blade in an alleyway near the Bow Bells Pub in Bow Road, E3 on 22 November 2016.

At the Old Bailey on Friday, 16 June, he was found guilty of grievous bodily harm with intent and sentenced to 12 years’ imprisonment with a further two years on extended license.

He showed no remorse throughout his interview with the police and in his evidence to the jury.

The jury also heard that Beadie punched another man to the ground in Bow Road, E3 in an unprovoked attack on the same night.

The victim of this assault has never been found, but Beadie was found guilty of common assault against the man after the council’s CCTV footage showed him arriving and leaving the location .

He received a six-month sentence for the assault to be served concurrently.

John Biggs, Mayor of Tower Hamlets said:

“I am pleased we have helped to put this cowardly and violent man behind bars. We are committed to working with all our partners to take tough action against those who carry knives to harm our residents.”

Cllr Asma Begum, cabinet member for community safety added:

“I am pleased the police officer is making a full recovery. The substantial custodial sentence Beadie received reflects the unprovoked and shocking attack he delivered against two innocent people.”

Residents can report incidents to the police by calling 101.

To give information anonymously call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 or visit

 – Press realise