May shed a tear on general election night
Theresa May shed a tear when she saw the exit poll on general election night, the Prime Minister has said.
In an interview with BBC Radio 5 Live the PM said she was shocked at the result that had come through and that it took a few minutes to sink in.
Asked whether she had cried, she said: Yes, a little tear, at that moment.
It was when I heard the exit poll. To be honest with you, I didn't actually watch the exit poll myself I have a little bit of superstition about things like that, she said.
My husband watched it for me and came and told me and I was shocked at the result that had come through in the exit poll. It took a few minutes for it to sort of sink in, what that was telling me.
My husband gave me a hug and then I got on the phone to CCHQ, the Conservative party, ...