Happy Yoga Day: Practice and Experience These 5 Benefits Of Yoga
Modern day yoga with its plethora of asanas: surya namaskar, savasana, kapalbhati, the warrior pose or the child's pose, is popular more as a fitness trend than a stepping stone to your spiritual journey.
It's all about flexibility, weight-loss and physical strength versus what it was about almost 2000 years ago which was inner peace, a calm mind, self-realisation and a process of mental purification.
(Prime Minister Narendra Modi to Perform Yoga at a Public Event)
Maharishi Patanjali, the founder of modern day yoga and author of Yoga Sutra defines yoga as "a technique used to control thought waves in the mind". He had said, "Yoga isn't just exercise, it's a state of mind". In India and around the world, the number of people who consider yoga to be a workout most definitel...