Saturday, September 14

Girl Smashes Gender Stereotypes By Answering Sexist Homework Question



A girl answered a homework question in the best way, smashing gender stereotypes while she was at it.

Yasmin’s answer to an assignment asking her to think of another word for a hospital lady, was shared on Twitter by her dad.

The assignment involved answering the question with a word that includes the letters ur. So she wrote surgeon.

Her dad explained both he and his wife are surgeons.

However her teacher, who was marking the sheet with red pen, added or nurse.

Back in June 2017, a mum decided to rewrite her daughter’s homework after being frustrated by the sexist message it was sending.

The story was about a child being unhappy that her mum was going back to work. It referenced the working dad making a bad breakfast.

Here’s the homework assignment my daughter brought home yesterday, side by side with my rewrite, the mum wrote when sharing the photos on Facebook on 23 May.