Rory Farquharson, a former head boy at the prestigious Rugby School, was linked to Barack Obama’s eldest daughter after footage emerged appearing to show them kissing during the Harvard v Yale American football game.
Miss Obama started at the Ivy League university this Autumn, following in the footsteps of her parents, who both attended Harvard Law.
Rory Farquharson Mr Farquharson began his studies at the university last year after completing his A-Levels, posting a picture of himself at the campus with the caption: So it begins.
The 19-year-old, who attended the £11,584-a-term boarding school, was also a member of its chemistry club the Blue Bunsen Society.
Mr Farquharson was selected ‘head of school’ at the private school for the school year 2015 to 2016 and was described as popular and quite a catch according to one school friend.
He appears to be a talented sportsman as well as academically gifted, representing his school in both golf and rugby matches.
After eight years in the White House, former U.S. President Barack Obama and his family have returned to private life. Let’s see what the family has been up to.
He even took part in a rugby video played at the World Cup Opening ceremony in 2015, in which Prince Harry also made an appearance.
Mr Faquharson spent the summer as an intern with the Centre for Democracy and Peace Building in Northern Ireland.
His father Charles, 57, who has a degree in law from St Catharine’s College, Cambridge, is the chief executive of Insight Investment Management Limited based in London.
His mother Catherine, 58, is a qualified accountant who sits as a lay person on financial and legal tribunals in London’s Upper Tribunal.
The family live is a six bed detached £1.6m home in Woodbridge, Suffolk.
The teenager’s Twitter account suggests he has an interest in following his father’s career path as he follows several banking-related accounts.
His Twitter account also suggests he is a vocal critic of current US president Donald Trump, retweeting a post which suggested Mr Trump’s populism was unlikely to last more than a year.
It is likely Miss Obama, who is also 19, only met and began dating Mr Farquharson within the last few months when she joined for her first year. He was identified as the tall, dark-haired man kissing Miss Obama by the Mail Online.
Last year her father revealed that Malia and her younger sister Sasha had already started dating, but joked that he was pretty relaxed about the prospect because the family still have secret service protection.
They’ve had Secret Service. There’s only so much these guys can do, he said.