Monday, September 9

Day: March 2, 2018

How HMS Queen Elizabeth’s support ship is riding storm
Featured, United Kingdom

How HMS Queen Elizabeth’s support ship is riding storm

    The Tidespring, which provides key support to Britain's most This dramatic picture captures the moment a Royal Navy battleship was battered by the Beast From the East off the coast of Plymouth. In scenes reminiscent of disaster movie The Perfect Storm, Royal Fleet Auxiliary Tidespring was rocked from side-to-side as hurricane conditions smashed into it yesterday. The Tidespring, which provides key support to Britain's most powerful warship HMS Queen Elizabeth, powered through the thunderous waves and Baltic temperatures. Footprints in the snow can be seen on the ship as it powers through choppy waters on its way home to Devon. RFA Tidespring was not accompanying Queen Elizabeth when the photo was taken as she had already docked in Portsmouth. The tanker is one of...
Select members of public will be invited Royal wedding
Featured, United Kingdom

Select members of public will be invited Royal wedding

    Prince Harry and Meghan Markle will invite 2,640 members of the public to Windsor Castle on their wedding day, it has been announced. The couple want their special day to be shaped so as to allow members of the public to feel part of the celebrations too, Kensington Palace said. Nearly 180 Years of British Royal Engagement Photos The occasion will be a moment of fun and joy that will reflect the characters and values of the pair, a spokesperson added today. The selected members of the public will be invited to watch the arrivals of the 33-year-old prince, his US actress fiancée, 36, and their guests. They will also see the carriage procession as it departs from the castle. This wedding, like all weddings, will be a moment of fun and joy that will reflect the char...