How To Manage Your Kid’s Sleep Routine When The Clocks Go Forward
To give us lighter evenings and a glimmer of hope that summer is on the way, the clocks will be going forward on Sunday 25 March 2018.
Although it’s easy for parents to cope with one hour’s less sleep and a changing new body clock, it can be a little trickier for children.
We asked two sleep experts - Katie Palmer from Inant Sleep Consultant and Maryanne Taylor from The Sleep Works to give their tips on how to make sure changing your kids’ sleep schedule is as pain-free as possible.
1. Enforce a bedtime wind down.
The hardest adjustment when the clocks go forward is to convince your child to stay in bed when it is light outside, Palmer told HuffPost UK.
A good routine helps keep continuity and gives the body a chance to unwind so that the release of melatonin (...