When Sally came round from the anaesthetic her cheeks were already wet with tears.
She had been fully sedated while the doctors terminated her four-month pregnancy, a pregnancy she had desperately wanted to continue.
I was crying when wheeled me in, she says. They kept asking ‘are you sure you want to do this? and I couldn’t even answer, I just had to nod my head.
Sally is not her real name but she says she could not bear for family and friends to know what she went through. She and her partner discovered, almost halfway through the pregnancy, that the government no longer paid out child tax credit and the child element of universal credit for more than two children.
The rule applies to babies born after 6th April 2017 and it’s been widely condemned by women’s rights organisations, religious leaders and child poverty campaigners.
Last month the charity Turn2us , which helps people understand and access welfare benefits, tweeted that it had seen a “worrying trend” of pregnant women contacting them with questions about the benefits they are entitled to and saying they may have to terminate their pregnancies as a result.
Sally’s story bears that out. She and her partner already have two children; boys aged 4 and 5. She’s currently receiving Universal Credit after being found fit for work following 12 years on employment and support allowance as she suffers from PTSD.
I don’t live with my partner as we can’t afford to, she explains. “[The pregnancy] wasn’t planned as such but it wasn’t avoided.
We were happy to have another child if it happened and we had discussed after the last one was born that we would be very happy to have another child.
Sally explained her partner is looking for work, but finds it hard.
He is currently studying to be a personal trainer so he can earn money to support us.
It wasn’t planned but it was very wanted
Knowing that money would be tight but trusting to her partner’s future earning potential and the safety net of our benefits system, Sally began to buy bits for the baby and booked in for a scan.
It was her third successful pregnancy so she knew what to expect and was delighted when she began to feel kicks and movement.
Then she heard news that changed everything. I was four months along and planning what other things we would need to buy for this baby, and then my friend said any child born after 2017 you will not get any extra money for.
I said that cannot possibly be true.
But it was, and Sally and her partner were forced to make a decision they would not have contemplated otherwise. “We are barely surviving now,” says Sally.
Sally’s choice – I think it’s something I will never forgive myself for
I knew we couldn’t do it to the children already born and we couldn’t do it to the unborn child, Sally said.
We thought we could make it work somehow but, honestly, even if we both got a job and 85% of our childcare paid for we still could not afford childcare let alone food.
Cancelling a scan and midwife appointments, Sally instead booked herself in for a termination. At four months gone that could no longer be a swift appointment, she needed a general anaesthetic and an operation.
I cried at every appointment regarding the termination and I woke up crying from the operation as well, she said.
I think it’s something I will never forgive myself for. I know I should have prevented it from happening in the first place. My partner was devastated but he tried not to show any emotion because I was so upset.
He also couldn’t come with me as he had to look after our children so I went alone.
Even as the couple prepared to end the pregnancy they tried to find a way to make it work.
Even on the day he kept saying: Are we sure we should do this? There must be some way that we can keep it.
In desperation, they even discussed whether her partner should earn money in less legitimate ways. He was ready to turn back to crime to support us,” admitted Sally. “But I said if he is in jail how can I cope alone with 3 kids and no money?
It’s left Sally questioning whether politicians have any regard or respect for her children, and what kind of system leaves her with no choice but to abort a wanted pregnancy or rely on crime to get by.
I feel guilty, ashamed, angry. The Government does not value my right to a family at all or my family, I’m being penalised for being born poor.
I have two sons but I’ve been denied the chance to have a daughter unless we live in complete and utter poverty. I’m disgusted by the Government; I think a two-child limit is sick and disgusting.
Cruellest cut of all
For some people, Sally’s desperate story is the new system working. It’s a woman limiting her family size because she cannot afford to do otherwise.
The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) has described the two-child limit as ‘ensur[ing] that the benefits system is fair to those who pay for it, as well as those who benefit from it, ensuring those on benefits face the same financial choices around the number of children they can afford as those supporting themselves through work.
It’s a point that completely disregards the fact that 70% of those claiming tax credits are in work, according to the Child Poverty Action Group (CPAG). And it ignores the desperation of women like Sally, forced to abort pregnancies they want to keep.
Clare Murphy, director of external affairs at abortion provider the British Pregnancy Advisory Service (BPAS), tells us: “Financial pressures, job or housing insecurity are often among key reasons for women deciding to end an unwanted pregnancy.
But the third child benefit cap is more than that because it penalises those already in the most challenging financial circumstances and as anti-poverty campaigners have noted, it breaks what has been a fundamental link between need and the provision of support, and also discriminates against children simply because of the order they were born in.
And she’s scathing about the idea that before the cap women were having benefit broods purposefully to gain payments.
As a charity that has spent the last five decades counselling pregnant women, we know that women don’t decide to continue with pregnancies because they think they could make a bit of money doing so £7.60 per day to be precise, when it comes to child tax credit for poorer families, Clare said.
They do so because that child is wanted and would be a much-loved addition to their family.
What’s more, this rule implies that women can always control their fertility when in fact they don’t even have an automatic right to abortion if their contraception lets them down.
Contraception frequently fails women, said Clare. More than half of women we see for advice about unplanned pregnancy were using contraception when they conceived, including many women using the effective hormonal methods.
We have seen cuts to contraceptive services and one reason BPAS campaigned so hard last year to bring the price of emergency contraception down was because we feared some women were simply being priced out of protection when their regular method failed.
Ministers speak about people having to make ‘choices’ about the number of children in their families. It is important to note that women in the UK still do not have the right to choose abortion it can only be provided if two doctors agree that she meets certain criteria and the abortion takes places in specific licensed premises, unlike any other medical procedure.
Protecting children must be the priority
Pritie Billimoria, head of communications at Turn2us, said: “A third child is worth no more or no less than a first or second born.
No parent can see into the future. Parents may be able to comfortably support a third child today but may be a bereavement, divorce or redundancy away from needing state help. We need to see children protected from growing up in poverty in the UK and that means scrapping this limit.
It’s also been roundly criticised by religious leaders: 60 Church of England bishops joined the Board of Deputies of British Jews and the Muslim Council of Britain to call for the policy to be scrapped.
This Government has removed benefits from children who simply have no say in being born or in the number of existing children in their families and the results are already showing.
CPAG estimates that more than 250,000 children will be pushed into poverty as a result of this measure by the end of the decade, representing a 10% increase in child poverty. Meanwhile a similar number of children already living in poverty will fall deeper into poverty.
If those numbers don’t move ministers then it seems unlikely that poor Sally’s story will, as she attended her appointment to end her pregnancy on her own and feeling the kicks.
A Government spokesperson told us: This policy ensures fairness between claimants and those who support themselves solely through work. We’ve always been clear the right exceptions are in place and consulted widely on them.
However Clare from bpas puts it simply: “We see abortion as a fundamental part of women’s healthcare and something which should be a genuine matter of choice – no woman should be left in the position of undergoing abortion because she simply would not be able to put food on the plate or clothes on the back of a new baby.
“As one of the world’s biggest economies, surely we can do better than that.”
If you’ve been affected by the issues raised in this article then you can contact Turn2us for benefits advice and support, or BPAS for pregnancy advice and support, including help to end a pregnancy if that’s what you decide.