Tuesday, February 18

Day: May 27, 2018

Eat eggs every day and be healthy
Featured, Life Style

Eat eggs every day and be healthy

    You’ve probably had an on-again, off-again relationship with eggs. One minute their cholesterol causes heart disease and the next you better eat the whole egg, otherwise you’re missing out. Well, a new study has (hopefully) settled the debate: eating up to one egg per day is actually associated with a lower risk of heart disease and stroke. Published in the journal Heart, the study looked at more than a half million adults in China. Participants reported on their egg eating habits and the scientists followed-up after nine years on average, comparing egg consumption with disease and death registries. Specifically, daily egg eaters enjoyed an 11 percent lower risk of heart disease compared to people who didn't eat any eggs at all. For haemorrhagic stroke (a brain ble...
Hidden costs of buying cheap stuff from China
Featured, Technology

Hidden costs of buying cheap stuff from China

    The package came in a small black box, covered in tape. It had no return address. Under layers of packaging, there was a box labeled Smart Watch, with no brand name. Inside the box was the watch itself, which looked nothing like the inexpensive Apple Watch I’d hoped it would be. Instead, the large digital face featured icons for Twitter, Facebook, a pedometer, and a photo-taking app called Camina rather than camera. It was about what you’d expect for a smart watch that cost less than $20. I ordered the watch from Wish.com, one of a growing number of sites that allows consumers from around the world to buy deeply discounted goods from China, directly from sellers or manufacturers there. After receiving promotional emails from Wish offering bikinis for $4 (marked down from ...
Double Standards Of The Media When It Comes Relationship Age Gaps
Featured, Life Style

Double Standards Of The Media When It Comes Relationship Age Gaps

    What is everybody’s obsession with age? Seriously. Age is nothing but a number, a socially constructed myth and excuse for oppression and segregation. I for one am a firm believer that adulthood is adulthood, regardless of what decade of adulthood you may be. I believe that relationships are made from something far deeper than a few digits on a birth certificate. It is made from a genuine connection of shared interests, hobbies, humour and of course an aesthetic attraction in most cases! So why is age brought into the equation? And more importantly, why does the media hone in and scrutinise the relationships whereby the female is significantly older than her male partner? I have read numerous articles in which the age of an older woman is frequently referenced an...
Theresa May on pressure after abortion reform in N Ireland
Featured, United Kingdom

Theresa May on pressure after abortion reform in N Ireland

    Ireland's historic abortion vote has piled pressure on Theresa May to override opposition from her Democratic Unionist allies and reform the law in Northern Ireland. Members of the prime minister's own cabinet immediately joined opposition leaders and backbenchers in demanding new laws in Northern Ireland to legalise abortion. Pro abortion MPs claim that since devolved government in the province is currently suspended the UK government in Westminster should now grasp the opportunity to change the law. But any move to liberalise the abortion law will be bitterly opposed by the Tories allies at Westminster, the DUP, whose MPs are insisting Northern Ireland must not be bullied into a change. Although there was no word from the PM in the hours immediately after the re...
N Korea leader commited for denuclearization of Peninsula and to meeting with Trump
Asia, Featured

N Korea leader commited for denuclearization of Peninsula and to meeting with Trump

    South Korean President Moon Jae-in said Sunday that North Korean leader Kim Jong Un had reaffirmed his commitment to the complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula and looked forward to meeting President Donald Trump on June 12, in the latest attempt by the two Korean leaders to keep recent engagement efforts on track. The remarks by Mr. Moon came a day after the two Korean leaders met for an unannounced summit at the inter-Korean truce village of Panmunjom on Saturday, in the second meeting between the two men in as many months. Mr. Moon said the North Korean leader reached out to him on Friday for talks, and that the two sides agreed to meet at Panmunjom in a surprise summit that Mr. Moon said on Sunday was like an ordinary meeting between friends. The me...