Friday, February 7

Day: June 24, 2018

Full British Brexit: Millions of protests in London’s streets
Featured, London

Full British Brexit: Millions of protests in London’s streets

    Boris Johnson has urged the Prime Minister to deliver a full British Brexit as Cabinet colleagues warned the UK is able to walk away without a deal. International Trade Secretary Liam Fox said the UK was not bluffing about being prepared to walk away from talks with Brussels, and Brexit Secretary David Davis said there is lots going on to prepare in case negotiations collapse. Meanwhile, Foreign Secretary Mr Johnson said people would not tolerate a bog roll Brexit that was soft, yielding and seemingly infinitely long. Their remarks were published on Saturday, the second anniversary of 2016’s EU referendum. Thousands of pro-EU marchers have begun a walk from Pall Mall to Parliament to demand a referendum on the terms of Brexit two years on from the vote. The minist...
Police failing to solve knife crime across England and Wales
Featured, United Kingdom

Police failing to solve knife crime across England and Wales

    Police are failing to solve 63 per cent of knife crimes committed against under-25s as stabbing incidents soar, The Independent can reveal. So far this year in London alone there have been 21 youth murders while knife crime against young victims across England and Wales has surged by 69 per cent in the last four years. Politicians and youth workers accused the government of failing to act on the rise in stabbings, and warned of the disastrous effect cuts to police and youth services were having on young people. Figures obtained through freedom of information requests show the overall number of knife incidents against victims under the age of 25 surged from 3,857 in 2013-14 to 6,503 in the year to March 2018. The number of knife-related incidents involving youth th...
Details of Trump’s visit in UK revealed
America, Featured

Details of Trump’s visit in UK revealed

    US President Donald Trump will visit the UK for a 'best of British' tour lasting just three days, it was reported today. President Trump's advisers will visit the UK soon to finalise details of his three-day UK visit which begins on July 13, according to the Mail on Sunday. A massive operation to protect the US president will see him avoid London where possible due to mass planned protests after his arrival late on Thursday July 12. Mr Trump is likely to touch down at Stansted Airport before being flown to the US Ambassador's residence in Regent's Park before dinner at Blenheim Palace. During his the three-day visit, he will visit with Theresa May at Chequers before meeting the Queen at Windsor Castle. He is then expected to visit Turnberry golf course in Scotlan...
New Zealand’s PM reveals her baby daughter name
Europe, Featured

New Zealand’s PM reveals her baby daughter name

    New Zealand's prime minister has named her baby daughter Neve Te Aroha Ardern Gayford, as she and partner Clarke Gayford left hospital. Ms Ardern said the couple had struggled for months to decide on a name but had decided to wait until their baby was born to see which one suited her. She said Neve meant bright, radiant and snow. We chose Neve because we just liked it, and when we met her we thought she looked like she suited the name. Te Aroha was our way of reflecting the amount of love this baby has been shown even before she even arrived it's also the place where all my family are from and I grew up under that mountain. Aroha means love in Maori, while Mt Te Aroha is a 952-metre mountain in the Kaimai Range, on New Zealand's North Island. Mr Gayford said tha...
Kim erasing his father and grandfather from new mandatory national oath
Asia, Featured

Kim erasing his father and grandfather from new mandatory national oath

    Kim Jong-un, the North Korean leader, has introduced a new national oath playing down the achievements of his father and grandfather and instead praising his own ideology and leadership. The oath, which must be recited by all citizens, was originally introduced in the 1970s, when Kim Il-sung, the founder of the nation and the grandfather of the present dictator, exercised control over the nation. The oath was made up of 10 articles that extolled the wisdom and greatness of Mr Kim and, after his death in July 1994, his son, Kim Jong-il. Declared by workers, students and members of the armed forces on national holidays and key anniversaries of the Workers’ Party, citizens have been required to swear to “arm themselves with the ideals” of the nation’s first two leader...