Saturday, February 15

Day: June 27, 2018

Tricks to help you sleep in the heat
Featured, Life Style

Tricks to help you sleep in the heat

    It goes without saying that we welcome the sun and everything that comes with it the lush, green garden, the bright, beautiful mornings and the upbeat buzz it brings to everyone we pass on the street. But, there's one thing us Brits just aren't used to and that's trying to get to sleep on these humid nights. So, to make sure the sun brings not one downside this summer, follow our guide on how to get to sleep in the heat… Keep your room cool The optimum bedroom temperature for sleep is 16 -18 degrees so, depending on what direction your bedroom faces, take steps to prevent it heating up during the day. Close curtains and blinds if you get the sun blazing through the window in the late afternoon or evening. Bedrooms on the north-west side of the house are ...
Strawberry moon will visible on Thursday in the UK
Featured, United Kingdom

Strawberry moon will visible on Thursday in the UK

    Stargazers are in for a treat with both the Strawberry Moon and Saturn clearly visible on Thursday. Saturn is expected to appear in the night sky at around midnight on Wednesday and will be at its highest point at 1am on Thursday. The planet should be visible for at least the next month. While those wishing to see the Strawberry Moon will be able to see it at around 5.53am BST on Thursday. On Thursday, Saturn will be the closest to Earth than it has been this year, meaning the planet can be seen with the naked eye. Skies should be fairly clear thanks to the current heatwave in the UK. For those with telescopes, Saturn’s rings should also be visible. According to Griffith Observatory in Los Angeles, the rings will be brighter than the planet this week. Astronomer ...
Brexit could trigger A $38 trillion financial crunch
Featured, United Kingdom

Brexit could trigger A $38 trillion financial crunch

    A major financial crunch on contracts worth almost £30 trillion ($39.7 trillion) could be on the horizon in March next year, the Bank of England warned on Wednesday. The UK's central bank used its latest Financial Stability Report which looks at the risks to the safety of the UK economy and the global financial system to warn that Britain's impending exit from the European Union could have a huge impact on over-the-counter derivative markets. Derivative markets allow those in the financial system to trade assets that have no inherent value, but derive their value from elsewhere, such as credit swaps and stock futures. European derivative markets are linked heavily between the UK and the rest of the continent, and the bank argued that if a fix cannot be found to all...
Trump’s big win on travel ban
America, Featured

Trump’s big win on travel ban

    President Trump said the Supreme Court's decision to uphold the administration's travel ban was a tremendous victory for the country and constitution after Justices ruled 5-4 in the White House's favor. The court found on Tuesday that the order is squarely within the scope of Presidential authority. Today's supreme court ruling is a tremendous success, a tremendous victory for the American people, and for our Constitution," Mr. Trump said. We have to be tough and we have to be safe, we have to be secure, he added, noting at a minimum we have to make sure we vet people coming into our country. When asked if he would keep the travel ban in place considering the court's latest ruling, the president said of course, what do you think, I wouldn't go ahead with it? He ad...
Air ambulance pilot lands helicopter during rush hour in City of London
Featured, London

Air ambulance pilot lands helicopter during rush hour in City of London

    This is the incredible moment a pilot on an emergency call managed to land an air ambulance helicopter in the middle of London City rush hour with astounding skill. Footage of the landing was posted on Twitter, showing the chopper descending to the ground as stunned commuters watched on. Avoiding dozens of buildings, traffic, pedestrians and lamp posts, the helicopter gently came to a standstill on New Bridge Street, in the centre on London's Blackfriars, which was packed with pedestrians at the time. The area is one of the City's busiest rush hour regions, and commuters near the upmarket Crowne Plaza hotel stood and watched the incredible scenes unfold. The landing spot was also just yards from a busy Blackfriars underground station, used by thousands of people d...