Monday, January 13

Day: March 23, 2019

The Boeing 737 Max crisis goes way beyond software
America, Featured

The Boeing 737 Max crisis goes way beyond software

      There is no small complexity in the task of carrying hundreds of people through the sky at hundreds of miles an hour. More than 100,000 airliners take off and land each day, but two deadly air crashes in six months have shocked passengers, regulators, and industry alike. Crashes of Boeing’s 737 Max in Indonesia and Ethiopia offer a window into all that complexity. Boeing and its CEO Dennis Muilenburg want the story to be simple: a software problem that can be fixed with a quick patch. But that doesn’t capture the mistakes made by Boeing and American aviation regulators in certifying the plane to carry passengers. By now, you may well have heard of MCAS, software that automatically pitches 737 Maxes downward to avoid stalling in mid-air. It exists only b...
Brexit petition hits 4 million names
Featured, United Kingdom

Brexit petition hits 4 million names

    An online petition demanding that Article 50 is revoked and the UK stays in the EU has now hit four million signatures. The petition, which has attracted an influx of signatories in recent days, reached the four million mark shortly after 9am on Saturday. Backed by dozens of high profile celebrities, it gained support in the wake of Theresa May's speech on Wednesday night, even crashing the Parliament website several times, and Revoke Article 50 began trending on Twitter. Should it pass the 4.2 million mark, it will be the most popular petition submitted to the Parliament website. The most popular is currently a 2016 petition calling for a second EU referendum should the winning vote and turnout not reach a certain threshold. By contrast, the most popular pro-Bre...