Monday, January 13

Day: May 29, 2019

Why cabin crew greet you in this way
Featured, United Kingdom

Why cabin crew greet you in this way

    Calling all frequent globe-trotters, have you ever wondered why flight attendants greet you with their hands behind their back? Perhaps some of you have never even questioned the cabin crew’s stance. It’s surely just a polite gesture, right? Well, it’s been revealed that there’s a clever reason behind their upright posture. As passengers board the plane, members of the cabin crew team are required to count each person using a clicker. In order to be discreet while they smile and welcome you onboard, the nifty little device is held behind their back. Eagle-eyed passengers on long-haul flights may have even noticed that sometimes the aircraft team walk up and down the aisle using the clicking device before take-off. When they perform a head count, it’s actually mo...
London Bridge terrorists may have changed targets
Featured, London

London Bridge terrorists may have changed targets

    The London Bridge terrorists could have been targeting Oxford Street when they decided to divert on their way there, an inquest has heard. Eight people were killed and 48 were injured when Khuram Butt, 27, Rachid Redouane, 30, and Youssef Zaghba, 22, launched their van and knife attack on June 3 2017. The three men had mowed down pedestrians on London Bridge before rampaging through Borough Market, the Old Bailey heard. But the court was told a mobile phone was later found in their van with directions to London's busy shopping district. Acting Detective Chief Inspector Wayne Jolley said it was possible the attackers could have switched their attention to London Bridge "en route" from east London where they lived. The hearing also heard how the terrorists used 12i...