Thursday, February 13

Day: November 28, 2019

EU calls for zero emissions by 2050
Europe, Featured

EU calls for zero emissions by 2050

    The European parliament has declared a global climate and environmental emergency as it urged all EU countries to commit to net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. The vote came as scientists warned that the world may have already crossed a series of climate tipping points, resulting in a state of planetary emergency. Intended to demonstrate Europe’s green credentials days before a crucial UN climate conference in Madrid, the vote also ratchets up pressure on Ursula von der Leyen, the incoming president of the European commission, who declared this week that the EU would lead the fight against the existential threat of the climate crisis. Although passed with a comfortable majority, with 429 votes in favour, 225 votes against and 19 abstentions MEPs across the p...
Widow evicted from home due to hostile immigration policy
Featured, United Kingdom

Widow evicted from home due to hostile immigration policy

    A widow who has lived in the UK for a decade has been ordered to move out of her home months after her husband’s death due to a controversial Home Office immigration policy. Nasra Nur, 38, who lives in Leicester, said she had been left suicidal after being told by her housing provider that she must urgently vacate her property just four months after her British husband, Sharif Ibrahim, died of kidney failure and heart disease. The Somali national was informed by housing provider PA Housing that she could not succeed Mr Ibrahim's tenancy due to her irregular immigration status, in line with the government's the right to rent policy, which requires landlords to check the status of prospective tenants. She has been warned that she has until 22 December to leave the pr...