Saturday, February 15

Day: December 18, 2019

Australia records hottest day ever
Australia, Featured

Australia records hottest day ever

    Yesterday was Australia's hottest day on record, according to preliminary data from the Bureau of Meteorology (BOM). The average temperature across the country was 40.9 degrees Celsius, breaking the mark of 40.3C set in January 2013, but it's a record unlikely to last for long. Temperatures were well over 45C for much of the interior — the location record (50.7C at Oodnadatta) is still safe — but the wide spread of exceptional heat meant the national average record was broken. The heat is expected to keep building over the next few days as the air mass moves across the country. A few of the standout temperatures yesterday included: - Ceduna (SA) – 46.5 - Birdsville (Qld) – 46.1 - Lajamanu (NT) – 46 - Rabbit Flat (NT) – 45.8 - Jervois (NT) – 45.6 - Longreach ...
Poland may have to leave EU
Europe, Featured

Poland may have to leave EU

    Poland's Supreme Court sounded the alarm over plans that would allow judges to be fired if they question the government's judicial reforms. If enacted, the rules could lead to Poland exiting the EU, the court warned. Poland's nationalist government is risking the country's European Union membership with its judicial reforms, the country's Supreme Court said on Tuesday. Under the draft law, judges could be removed from their posts for taking part in activities of a political nature or acting in a way that could harm the functioning of the justice system. The Supreme Court warned that the plans appear to be an attempt to stop judges from questioning the legitimacy of the government's reforms, forcing them to apply the regulations even if they are incompatible with hi...