Friday, February 7

Day: December 24, 2019

Teacher wears revealing bodysuit
Europe, Featured

Teacher wears revealing bodysuit

    A teacher in Spain has come up with an inventive way to teach students about anatomy, according to reports. Veronica Duque, 43, donned a bodysuit depicting the inside of a human body to help her year four class "visualise the disposition of internal organs". She arrived at the lesson at Maria Teresa Inigo de Toro school in Valladolid wearing a white coat before removing it to a mixed reaction. There was "confusion, shouts, applause and some covered their eyes", Ms Duque admitted to El Pais. She wanted to make the class more practical, so used the outfit to pique her students' interests before turning to the traditional plastic bust the school uses to teach anatomy. Ms Duque revealed she found the costume by pure chance after seeing an advert online and decided to...
Changes to pensions, wages, taxes and benefits in 2020
Featured, United Kingdom

Changes to pensions, wages, taxes and benefits in 2020

    As things stand there are at least 20 major changes planned for next year - affecting everything from the price of a flight to overdrafts, benefits and pensions. The new rules will see people pay less National Insurance, but more council tax. Benefits are rising, while tax breaks are taken from landlords - and while the state pension is up, free TV licences are being taken away. There are also new rights coming affecting bank accounts and broadband - as well as a new £20 note . Oh - and all that's before we even get to Brexit and its accompanying 50ps. Hargreaves Lansdown personal finance analyst Sarah Coles said: “2020 should finally see all sorts of things we’ve been waiting interminably for - from an increase in benefits, to a pause in state pension age rises....