Thursday, February 13

Day: December 29, 2019

Newly face lifted Big Ben will ring in London New Year
Featured, London

Newly face lifted Big Ben will ring in London New Year

    Britain's Big Ben bell in parliament's landmark clock tower will ring at midnight on New Year's Eve, marking the start of a year for the first time since its new face was revealed from under scaffolding halfway through restoration work. The work has seen the 96-metre-tall Elizabeth Tower, one of the most photographed buildings in Britain, enveloped in scaffolding for the last two years as the four clock dials are reglazed, ironwork repainted and intricately carved stonework cleaned and repaired. In March, part of the scaffolding was removed, showing that the clock's once black numerals and hands have been repainted blue, in line with what scientists say was its original colour. Since restoration work began in 2017, Big Ben has been largely silenced, sounding only f...
Officials bent visa rules for Queen
Featured, United Kingdom

Officials bent visa rules for Queen

    A clampdown on illegal immigration was relaxed because Ministers feared the Queen believed it could affect the polo season, it was claimed last night. The Home Office had planned to close a loophole that granted special visas to hundreds of foreigners working in the so-called 'sport of kings' amid fears it was being used as a backdoor for low-skilled migrants to enter the country. But the proposals were watered down in the wake of Buckingham Palace's considerable interest in the matter, The Mail on Sunday can reveal. One source said the Queen became 'very animated' over the plans, while a former official said Ministers went 'above and beyond' normal practice to address Palace concerns. Whitehall sources told this newspaper the subject was discussed when Queen had ...