Tuesday, February 18

Day: March 3, 2020

Coronavirus cases in the UK rise to 51
Featured, United Kingdom

Coronavirus cases in the UK rise to 51

    The number of confirmed cases of coronavirus in the UK has risen to 51, Health Secretary Matt Hancock has said. The jump comes after the number of confirmed cases in the UK hit 39 yesterday, with a school in Devon confirming that a pupil had been diagnosed with coronavirus after travelling from northern Italy. The 12 new cases emerged today and include eight patients who had recently travelled from Italy, one from Germany, one from Singapore, one from Japan and one from Iran. They are from London, Hampshire, Northamptonshire, Bury, Wirral, Greater Manchester, Humberside and Kent. Mr Hancock said: We've responded to a wide range of disease outbreaks in the past, the NHS has been preparing for a pandemic virus for over a decade, we have world class expertise to make...