Thursday, February 13

Day: March 14, 2020

France in partial lockdown
Europe, Featured

France in partial lockdown

    Spain is set to join Italy by becoming the second country in Europe to impose a nationwide lockdown as part of its effort to slow the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic. The news came as the UK's death toll from coronavirus nearly doubled, by rising from 11 to 21, and the UK government was reportedly preparing to ban mass gatherings from next week. Boris Johnson has faced criticism for not taking tougher action against the outbreak and his government's plan to build up immunity within the population to fight the virus over a prolonged period, rather than introducing mass lockdowns, has been questioned by health experts.
WHO questions virus approach
Featured, United Kingdom

WHO questions virus approach

    The World Health Organisation has cast doubt on the UK’s approach to developing herd immunity against Covid-19, saying the current situation around the outbreak in Britain requires action. Spokeswoman Margaret Harris said scientists do not know enough about the virus to say whether theories around people becoming immune to it are correct. On Friday, the UK’s chief scientific adviser Sir Patrick Vallance hit back at criticism over the Government's handling of the virus and said the approach would hopefully create a herd immunity to the disease. Former Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt was among those to ask why the Government had not cancelled large gatherings as part of the measures, but Sir Patrick said some of the social distancing measures put in place - including se...