Lockdown is making the kids v no kids divide wider
Coronavirus has revealed a deep divide in our nation between the haves and have-nots. No, not those smug stockpilers sitting on stacks of toilet roll. The real gap that’s been brought to the fore is between those who have kids and those who don’t.
It’s not like I never realised this huge difference before. Among my friends, there’s a sharp line in the sand(pit) between breeders and non-breeders.
The former suggest meeting for lunch at 11.30am, the latter are sometimes just getting home from a night out at that time.
There are those who have to schedule our meet-ups with military precision between naps and playdates, and those who do it around holidays, facials and all the ‘trivial’ things child-free people in their thirties do with their weekends (#sorrynotsorry).