Thursday, February 13

Ramadan gifts been distributed to non-Muslim friends in London Docklands



On 1st May, Friday, distributed foods as the Ramadan gifts to local neighbours to 30 local pensioners, vulnerable people around DCO Mosque in London Docklands.

The food sponsored by the Muslim Community Association (MCA) and the Docklands Community Organisation (DCO).

In Millwall, there was lots of racism, stereotypical views against Muslims. We are trying to show to our non-Muslim neighbours that Islam is a peaceful religion. It teaches compassion and love for all. said the secretary of DCO Mosque- Mafijur Rab (Mahfuz).

Since Coronavirus lockdown, DCO and other mosques volunteers have been helping local community vulnerable pensioners and needy mainly Non-Muslims neighbours.

Therefore, requested to other mosques should do a similar project at least during the holy month of Ramadan.