Thursday, February 13

Day: August 24, 2020

Seventeen teachers at school contract COVID-19
Featured, United Kingdom

Seventeen teachers at school contract COVID-19

    A school in Scotland remains closed after 22 people tested positive for coronavirus. Kingspark School in Dundee was closed last Wednesday and pupils and staff were asked to self-isolate for 14 days. NHS Tayside said 17 staff and two pupils at the special needs school had tested positive for COVID-19, as well as three community contacts. Restrictions have been placed on care homes in Tayside to stop the spread of coronavirus in the area. The Kingspark outbreak has spread to two other schools in Dundee. A primary two class at St Peter and Paul’s School must self-isolate until 2 September after a positive test. And children who went to the Happy Times out-of-school club at Downfield Primary School have also been asked to quarantine after someone tested positive. Dr ...
How aviation industry’s crisis is hitting towns across UK
Featured, United Kingdom

How aviation industry’s crisis is hitting towns across UK

    Masked-up and carrying placards and banners, 40 or so demonstrators walk out of a pedestrianised shopping street and make their way to the office of a newly elected Conservative MP, above a Chinese restaurant. Once there, they join in sporadic chants of No justice, no peace. It’s a drizzly, near-silent lunchtime in the Welsh town of Bridgend, a place that has played its own small role in Britain’s recent political convulsions, voting for Brexit and, in 2019, returning its first Tory to Westminster since 1983. Thanks to plans that were announced in April 2019, Ford will shut its local car-engine works next month, with the loss of nearly 1,700 jobs. Now, the sudden effects of Covid-19 on the local aerospace industry are only adding to the pain. The recession and the p...