Thursday, February 13

Life Style

Signs that you need to live away from your partner
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Signs that you need to live away from your partner

    Moving in together is an obvious next step when you’ve been dating for a while. Cohabitation saves you money and for many couples, it’s a great testing ground for marriage: If you get along living together, why not take the big marriage leap? But sometimes, merging your lives and stuff makes you realise that maybe you were better off when you lived in separate spaces. In that case, un-moving in together might be the answer. When you un-move in with your partner, you stay together you don’t want to break up! but recognise that, for the time being at least, returning to the previous arrangement of living apart is best for both of you. “I think many couples realise that they are constantly fighting because of differences in cleanliness, daily habits and other unexpect...
Six questions to ask before taking a break from your relationship
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Six questions to ask before taking a break from your relationship

    The old taking a break thing is likely familiar to many of you. But what should you consider before deciding to put some space between you and your significant other? Scroll on for the questions you should ask yourself before you put things on ice. 1/ Why Now? Versus a week ago, a month ago, even six months ago, what's making you want to take a breather now? While this might seem like an obvious question, it should help you decipher whether your desire to take a break is a direct result of a recent argument or of something greater (like a recurring fight that seems to have no end). Sometimes we will make major life decisions in the heat of battle, says Dr. Gary Brown, a licensed psychotherapist in Los Angeles. And sometimes when we make decisions based upon inten...
The real impact PCOS can have on mental health
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The real impact PCOS can have on mental health

    Many of the physical side effects of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (a hormonal disorder, commonly referred to as PCOS) are widely known: weight gain, irregular periods, excess body hair and - as the name suggests - cysts on the ovaries. It's thought to impact around 1 in 5 women worldwide and could also make conceiving a child more difficult. But what about the mental health aspects of PCOS? A new study conducted over fifteen years by the University of Oulu, Finland, on 5889 women, asked each participant (who was 31 years old at the beginning of the research) to fill in a questionnaire. The questions all focussed on their life satisfaction and health status (for example, their weight, height and the frequency of their periods), and the results found that the women with P...
Signs that you shouldn’t marry your partner
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Signs that you shouldn’t marry your partner

    If you're in a relationship, you're bound to have some ups and downs, like any average couple, but you can also get the feeling as to whether or not the person you're with could be a potential life partner, based on similarities and overall compatibility in the relationship. Unfortunately, sometimes you're not meant to be with someone for marriage, even if the relationship is fantastic, solely based on a few long-term issues you can predict down the road. Here are a few warning signs that you're not meant to put a ring on your finger for the person you're with, and from there, you can determine how much longer to let the relationship last. You're Not Attracted to Them Anymore While it's totally normal to lose some of that initial intense attraction over time, if y...
Why babies should always sleep on their backs
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Why babies should always sleep on their backs

    When you’re a new parent, it can seem like there’s an overwhelming amount of information and advice to remember in order to keep your new baby healthy, safe and happy. But if there’s one piece of information you should always follow, it’s that for every single nap and sleep that you put your baby down for, they should always be placed on their back. Why? Recent research from numerous worldwide studies has shown there is a connection between the sleeping positions of babies and sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), and the risk is greatly reduced if your baby sleeps on their back. Why is it safer for baby to sleep on its back? Nobody yet knows exactly why it's safer for your baby to sleep on their back rather than their stomach, although there are several well-res...
Why retirement isn’t always easy
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Why retirement isn’t always easy

    Retiring from working life is a dream come true for many people. Gone are the days of commuting on busy public transport, stressing over deadlines, and dealing with office politics. Instead, you can get up when you want, dedicate more time to hobbies, and spend more time on yourself. For some, though, stopping working isn’t always easy. Firstly, you have to transition into a new routine after leaving behind the nine-to-five grind. You may also miss your job, co-workers, and the feeling of being busy and engaged. Whilst retirement is often seen as a wonderful reward for decades of hard work, in reality many find a 'cold turkey' retirement an unexpectedly tough adjustment, says Stuart Lewis, founder of Rest Less, a job, volunteering, and advice site for the over 50s....
Wife discovers husband is gay after 20 years of marriage
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Wife discovers husband is gay after 20 years of marriage

    An Irish woman has opened up about the pain of discovering that her husband of 20 years was gay. Speaking on RTÉ Radio One’s Liveline, the woman who only gave her first name, Mary said she thought she was happily married until she discovered her husband’s sexuality. He was a good, decent, kind man. But he was living a lie, she revealed. I found out by accident and in that second I knew that my marriage was over. She continued: I loved him. Love doesn’t die easily, it takes time, like it does for it to grow, and it takes time to die. Mary didn’t tell anyone for three months after she found out that her husband was gay Mary said she was shocked and heartbroken when she found out about his sexuality. I hid in the closet for three months, she said. I didn’t want t...
What really happens to your body when you’re hungover
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What really happens to your body when you’re hungover

    Alcohol has a diuretic effect, which means it removes fluids from the body. It causes you to wee more often which leads to dehydration, causing symptoms such as headache, fatigue and dry mouth the day after. So what can you do to help relieve the throbbing after a night out on the town? First step: rehydrate The first way to get over a hangover is to start drinking lots of water. This will help rehydrate the body and therefore reduce symptoms. Drinking lots of water, especially before you go to sleep after a night out will help your recovery. And you could try rehydration sachets, such as Dioralyte which will help replace lost minerals and salt, especially if you have been sick. Then: Grab a painkiller Over the counter painkillers are useful to help with head...
Half of British women have poor sexual health
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Half of British women have poor sexual health

    Almost half of women in Britain have poor sexual health almost three times the rate in men researchers have said. Women’s sexual problems have been found to be more varied than those experienced by men. Nearly a third of all women were found to experience difficulties rooted in a lack of interest in sex a problem associated with distress and dissatisfaction with their sex life. Dr Alison Parkes of the University of Glasgow, a co-author of the research, said: “We think [the wider range of problems in women] may boil down to women’s general lesser agency when it comes to negotiating more pleasurable as well as safer sex with their partners.” While 83% of men were deemed to be in fine sexual fettle, 48% of women had poor sexual health. The team said the figures highli...
Why experts claim cotton pillowcases are bad for you
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Why experts claim cotton pillowcases are bad for you

    Calm down, this isn’t a PSA for you to drop your savings on silk pillowcases, because (1) there are affordable options out there and (2) the little investment that they are will save you from stressing out over any breakage (trust me, I speak from experience how else do you think I’ve managed to keep my fake blonde going for more than five years?!). In short: Regardless of your hair type, if you wake up to a head of hair that’s always tangled or looks and feels dry (hi, it me), you can thank your pillowcase. Yep, that thin sheet that keeps your pillow clean could be and most likely is doing a number on your hair if it’s made out of cotton. Why is it good to sleep on a satin pillowcase? To figure out why cotton pillowcases cramp your (hair)style, I asked celebrit...