Britain is being stalked by a zombie elite time to take them on
This is the age of the zombie. The undead maraud around our popular culture. Stick on the telly, and they’re attacking Jon Snow in Game of Thrones.
At the cinema, reanimated carcasses lurch through everything from Resident Evil to World War Z. The headlines might burst with blundering boastful strongmen, but our nightmares are full of blank-eyed walking corpses.
Unthinking, unquestioning, neither alive nor dead, the zombie is horrific. It is also us.
Britain in 2018 is stalked by zombie ideas, zombie politicians, zombie institutions stripped of credibility and authority, yet somehow still presiding over our lives. Nowhere is this more true than in the way we run our economy.
This September marks the 10th anniversary of the death of Lehman Brothers. In autumn 2008,...