Thursday, September 12

Security concerns raised as Royal helicopter flight details are made public



Queen Elizabeth II, In a bid to avoid any unforeseen mishap or collision with a drone, full details of the British royal family’s helicopter flights have been made public, which in turn has raised a fear of terror attacks, security experts claimed.

The flight plans, which include exact time and routes to be taken by the Queen and other royals during their trips, were published by NOTAM – Notice To Airmen a safety alert system managed by UK’s air traffic control body.

A newsletter from the Civil Aviation Authority further explained the reason behind this latest security move, as per the Mail Online.

“For flight safety reasons, the details of Royal helicopter flights are now being published by NOTAM and so will also be depicted on airspace mapping apps,” read a newsletter from the Civil Aviation Authority, the Mail Online reported.

The publishing of the flight details, however, has divided opinions. While some have opined that the move improves security amid the growing threats posed by unmanned aerial vehicles. Others have criticised the step, suggesting that publicising the information puts the royal family at grave terror risk.

“This gives me grave concern as to the overall risk potential,” Dai Davies, a former Head of Royal Protection, was quoted as saying by Mail Online. “Why bother spending millions of pounds on protecting the Royal Family on the ground, then make this information available in advance? I just despair,” the prominent security and investigation personnel added, as per the newspaper.

Davies’ thoughts were echoed by the Director of BUCSIS (Centre for Security and Intelligence Studies in Buckingham) Professor Anthony Glees as well.

He said: “It’s incomprehensible. Far from deterring people from flying drones nearby, they are in fact telling them how best to do so. To publicise where a Royal helicopter will be flying is to encourage terrorists, mad people and pranksters.”

Meanwhile, CAA has maintained that the decision to publish the details came from the royal household itself.

“We are not commenting on the change in arrangements and have nothing to add further to what the CAA has already said,” a spokesperson for the royal family was quoted as saying.

“More broadly, in making travel arrangements, the Royal Household always seeks the best balance of security, efficiency and value for money.”