A former Czech spy has reportedly claimed that Jeremy Corbyn was a paid informant in the 1980’s an allegation that the Labour Party leader has emphatically denied.
Ján Sarkocy told Czech news outlet CT24 that he had met with the Labour leader before the fall of the Soviet Union, and that Corbyn was paid for information he provided.
In a statement provided to Business Insider, a spokesperson for Corbyn denied the claim. The former Czechoslovak agent Jan Sarkocy’s account of his meeting with Jeremy was false 30 years ago, is false now and has no credibility whatsoever. His story has more plot holes in it than a bad James Bond movie, they said.
Earlier this week, The Sun reported that Corbyn had apparently unwittingly met multiple times with a Communist spy in the 1980s, citing Czech government files that list him as one of the security team’s sources.
But a spokesperson for the Labour Party dismissed the report, telling the paper that Corbyn met with who he believed to be a Czech diplomat but did not provide any privileged information. Soviet spies are known to lie about their sources, casting doubt on the files veracity, they said.
The head of the Czech Security Forces Archive (which keeps the communist-era spy agency StB’s archives) has also said that Corby did not know who he was meeting with, Prague Daily Monitor reported. Mr Corbyn was neither registered [by the StB] as a collaborator, nor does this [his collaboration] stem from archive documents, Svetlana Ptacnikova said.
The Labour spokesperson added: As Svetlana Ptacnikova, Director of the Czech Security Forces Archive, has made clear, Jeremy was neither an agent, asset, informer nor collaborator with Czechoslovak intelligence. These claims are a ridiculous smear and entirely false.