Friday, January 17

Day: October 18, 2020

Gove calls out EU over Brexit deal
Featured, United Kingdom

Gove calls out EU over Brexit deal

    Michael Gove today told Michel Barnier 'the ball is in your court' if the European Union wants trade talks with the UK to resume as he said the bloc had given Britain 'no choice' but to step up its preparations for a no deal split. The Minister for the Cabinet Office said Brussels had shown in recent weeks it was 'not serious' about striking a deal because it had failed to compromise on key issues. He said he still hoped a deal could be done in the coming weeks but stressed that for the UK to consider going back to the negotiating table the EU will have to drastically overhaul its approach. He borrowed a term from Star Trek as he said the EU was trying to 'keep us in their tractor beam' and suggested Brussels had broken its word by failing to agree to a Canada-styl...