Melania Trump’s cribbing last week of Michelle Obama’s lines was not the first time she claimed something that was not hers.
For months now, reporters have noted that Ms. Trump, who grew up in the small Slovenian town of Sevnica, did not obtain an undergraduate degree in architecture from the University of Ljubljana, as her professional website claimed she did. Instead, she left after her first year to pursue a modeling career in Milan.
As recently as a week ago, Ms. Trump’s website stated that she had obtained a degree before going on to become a philanthropist and skin care entrepreneur.
On Wednesday, The Huffington Post noticed that the site had been entirely scrubbed of its content. People clicking on its address are now redirected to the Trump Organization’s website.
“The website in question was created in 2012 and has been removed because it does not accurately reflect Melania Trump’s current business and professional interests,” Amanda Miller, a spokeswoman for Ms. Trump, said Thursday.
Last week, Ms. Trump’s speech at the Republican National Convention contained a few lines from Michelle Obama’s speech at the Democratic convention in 2008. The Trump campaign initially denied that she had plagiarized the lines. Eventually a Trump employee who had helped write the speech, Meredith McIver, acknowledged using Ms. Obama’s lines and apologized, saying it was unintentional.