Thursday, February 13

Chinese woman demands compensation after toy car accident



A Chinese pensioner was caught on camera demanding compensation after apparently being knocked down by a tiny plastic toy car.

Captured in Changde, in China’s Hunan Province, the footage shows the woman refusing to stand up until she is paid for the accident.

She remains sat on the pavement surrounded by curious passers-by, as well as the toddler who was driving the red toy car at the time and her parents.

It is unclear from the video as to how severe the impact was between the toy car and the woman, but the pensioner is adamant that she is the victim.

Woman demands compensation after toy car accident It is reported that the woman told the young driver that they were speeding on the pavement without a licence – although the child’s mother is heard shouting: “I was walking over here and you were walking over there.”

It is unclear for now as to whether or not the woman actually sustained any injuries as a result of the accident, or even if the car actually made contact with her. Some commenters on the video argued that the woman may have possibly been telling the truth – though the video sheds little light on this claim.