Monday, January 20

Frozen excrement dropped from plane crashes through house roof



A Canadian woman has claimed a frozen lump of excrement from a plane passing overhead ripped through the roof of her mother’s house.

Stephanie Moore said she was woken up by a crashing sound and saw a huge hole in the ceiling in the hallway – less than 15ft from where she was sleeping.

The 36-year-old teacher had been staying with her mother overnight after returning from a trip to Cuba.

After the incident, she said she found pink insulation, drywall, ceiling material and shattered bits of wood on the hallway floor in a puddle of water.

In the morning, daylight could be seen shining through the hole which was around one metre in diameter and the crash had caused damage to the roof’s planking and shingles.

Ms Moore told CBC News: “At first I thought it was just damage to the ceiling. I couldn’t tell it went right through the roof when I first saw it”.

She said both the insurance appraiser and roof repairmen who visited the next day said it was the “strangest thing they had ever seen”.

The roofer who inspected the damage said there was no rotting wood in the roof and before the incident the outer shell of the house was solid.

They did not find any evidence that a tree or branch cause the damage and there was no ice or snow on the roof when it happened.

The roofer said it was mostly likely to have been “blue ice” – a term for frozen excrement that can accidentally leak away from planes mid flight, named for the colour of disinfectant used by sewage systems in commercial planes.

Blue ice has been known to hit homes and melt on impact leaving little evidence behind.

The only other thing that could cause that sort of damage would be a small meteor strike – but that would leave a rock or mineral in the debris.

A spokeswoman for Transport Canada said they were looking into the claim.

She said: “The department takes all reports of possible debris coming from aircraft very seriously. Every reported incident is investigated by Transport Canada officials”.

Canadian Aviation Regulations forbid creating a hazard by dropping waste mid flight, she added.