Surely there’s no age limit on jeans? They’re timeless. Studies are a wonderful thing, without it we might not know important information such as the best time to book flights, the most unfaithful star sign and now, the exact time you should ditch the denim.
According to a PUS (Possibly Unnecessary Study) the exact moment to get rid of those skinny jeans you’ve been hanging on to is when you blow out the candles on your 53rd birthday cake.
The study, conducted by UK parcel delivery service CollectPlus, surveyed 2000 Brits who agreed jeans are reserved for the younger folk – younger being anyone aged 52 and under that is (feeling great right about now?).
“It’s surprising to see our research reveals that many people think jeans are the reserve of the younger generation, suggesting that we should all put denim back on the shelf at the age of 53,” Catherine Woolfe, marketing director at CollectPlus told the Daily Mail. “Denim is such a universal material and with so many different styles available it’s a timeless look that people of all ages can pull off.”
The medium age or finer details of said study are unknown and of course, this is all a matter of opinion and not based on any sort of fact or exact science – so take it with a grain of salt.
In any case, the British can think what they will, we will happily continue rocking our stonewash finest at any age if we so choose, thank you very much.