Monday, September 9

Boris plans for £15bn bridge between Scotland and Northern Ireland



Boris Johnson has given his backing to plans for a £15 billion bridge between Scotland and Northern Ireland.

The Foreign Secretary said the idea should be seriously considered by the government after retweeting a proposal for the ambitious project.

The DUP, whose 10 MPs prop up Theresa May’s government, have previously backed the plan.

The Northern Irelandish party demanded a feasibility study into building a bridge or tunnel in its manifesto for the 2015 general election but it did not feature in its manifesto last year.

It is not the first Brexit bridge bumbling Boris has backed. In February he spoke out in favour of a bridge across the channel linking the UK with France as an alternative to the tunnel.

The idea was ruled out in the 1980s but Mr Johnson insists the technology has moved on.

At the time the UK Chamber of Shipping tweeted bluntly: “Building a huge concrete structure in the middle of the world’s busiest shipping lane might come with some challenges.

And his track record on bridges does not bode well for this idea’s future. As Mayor of London he supported building a so-called garden bridge over the Thames. Despite the project being scrapped it still cost £46.4m of public money.

A source close to Mr Johnson told The Telegraph: Boris thinks this is an interesting idea which should be looked at more seriously as politicians in both Scotland and Northern Ireland have already said. It’s the kind of ambitious project we need to make a success of Global Britain.

The bridge would run from Portpatrick on the west coast of Scotland to Larne or Bangor in Northern Ireland.

On Monday the Foreign Secretary retweeted an article for the Reaction website by former journalist turned PR consultant George Trefgarne. He said the plan would kick start economic growth, enthuse the DUP, support the Union, bring the country together and create a stability to Brexit which not even the EU could knock-off balance.

In response, Best for Britain champion Layla Moran said: This is more pathetic pipe dreams from a man who has delusions of grandeur.

First it was Boris Island, then the BoJo One jet, then a bridge between the UK and France and now a bridge between Scotland and Northern Ireland. This Brexit bridge plan is barmy.

It is another hair-brained idea from a cabinet member that could have been a Loony Tunes character. He can bumble and bluster as much as he wants but the man is a baffoon.

The rest of the world seems to have realised that Boris Johnson is a joke isn’t it about time we did too?