Tuesday, February 18

Day: August 18, 2017

9 Reasons Why You Should Consider Releasing Equity
ENGLISH, Life Style

9 Reasons Why You Should Consider Releasing Equity

    Equity release is growing in popularity across the UK as more and more homeowners over 55 look to access some of the wealth tied up in their property. As house prices have increased, so has the amount of equity in your home. Now could be the perfect time to see how much equity you could release from your home, and how you could use that tax-free cash. So why should you consider releasing equity from your home? 1. You could have access to tax-free cash – when you need it. With a Lifetime Mortgage you can release as little as £10,000 tax-free initially, and leave funds in reserve for when you need it. You retain full ownership of your home, you’ve just borrowed against it. 2. You could become repayment mortgage-free. Reduce your monthly outgoings by clearing any remaining mo...
London Underground night service on first anniversary: Expects eight millionth journey in last year

London Underground night service on first anniversary: Expects eight millionth journey in last year

    The service, which operates on five lines on Friday and Saturday nights, launched on August 19 last year almost a year after originally intended. A year after it launched, the Night Tube is set to welcome its eight millionth passenger. During that time, the number of people using the service has exceeded predictions by around 15 per cent. The enthusiasm of Londoners has stayed strong ever since. While central London stations such as Leicester Square and Tottenham Court Road have been predictably popular, so have east London interchanges Liverpool Street and Stratford. It is estimated that late night journeys are now 20 minutes quicker on average than before the Night Tube was introduced.
Donald Trump is about to resign
America, ENGLISH

Donald Trump is about to resign

    The co-author of Donald Trump’s memoir The Art of the Deal has predicted the US President is going to resign by autumn if not sooner. Tony Schwartz, who claims to have ghostwritten the 1987 best-selling business book, argued Mr Trump is on the brink of stepping down and said he would be shocked if his presidency lasts until the end of the year. Mr Schwartz, who has been a vocal critic of President Trump and spent 18 months interviewing and shadowing him in the 1980s, suggested he would negotiate a deal for immunity in the Russia investigation in exchange for giving up his seat in the Oval Office. He said: The circle is closing at blinding speed. Trump is going to resign and declare victory before Mueller and Congress leave him no choice. Trump's presidency is effectively o...
American Civil Liberties Union won’t defend protests by armed hate groups
America, ENGLISH

American Civil Liberties Union won’t defend protests by armed hate groups

    The American Civil Liberties Union will no longer defend hate groups seeking to march with firearms, the Wall Street Journal reported on Thursday, a policy change that comes on the heels of protests by white nationalists and counter-protesters at the weekend in Virginia. The newspaper quoted the ACLU's executive director as saying in an interview that, after violence during the Charlottesville protests, judges, police chiefs and legal groups would be required to "look at the facts of any white-supremacy protests with a much finer comb." An ACLU spokeswoman confirmed the policy shift and said the concern over weapons was not something the group has had to contend with in the past. We’ve had people with odious views, all manner of bigots. But not people who want to carry wea...
Spain terror attacks: What we know

Spain terror attacks: What we know

    Spanish police intensified a manhunt Friday for suspects behind two deadly vehicle attacks on civilians, shooting and killing five people wearing fake bomb belts who attacked a seaside resort and arresting four others believed linked to the carnage wrought on a Barcelona promenade. Spanish authorities said the back-to-back vehicle attacks Thursday afternoon and early Friday morning as well as a deadly explosion earlier this week in a house elsewhere in Catalonia — were related and the work of a large terrorist group. The Islamic State group quickly claimed responsibility for Europe's latest bout of extremist violence, which left 13 dead and 100 wounded after a van roared down Barcelona's historic Las Ramblas promenade on Thursday. Hours later, a blue Audi plowed into peopl...