Monday, September 9

Russia and Iran will pay for backing the Syrian regime



Donald Trump has warned Russia and Iran there will be a “big price to pay” for backing the Syrian regime after a suspected chemical attack.

The US President condemned as mindless and SICK reports of at least 70 people being lilled, and a further 500 injured, in a alleged chlorine gas attack in the city of Douma in eastern Ghouta.

The allegations have been denied by the Syrian government and Russia.

He also pointed to former president Barack Obama’s handling of the Syrian civil conflict and his failure to face down Mr Assad after setting a red line on the use of chemical weapons.

Mr Trump added: If President Obama had crossed his stated Red Line In The Sand, the Syrian disaster would have ended long ago! Animal Assad would have been history!

Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson described the allegations of a chlorine gas attack in the rebel holdout as deeply disturbing.

It is truly horrific to think that many of the victims were reportedly families seeking refuge from airstrikes in underground shelters, he said.

In response, former Chancellor George Osborne replied: Votes have consequences.